Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Things fall apart (latex2html, tth, webalizer)

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
Yeats -- The Second Coming

Much too busy to spend much time posting except on this (now cold) coffee break, but this line from Yeats summarizes my current feelings about software.

I have recently had sudden need to covert a LaTeX document to HTML, only to discover that the old standard latex2html hasn't been maintained or updated for many years. It used to work well... but my current pdflatex-friendly documents cause latex2html to fail spectacularly. It seems to reserve special hate for \newcommand (which I now use a lot in place of the older \def). Even removing all the \newcommands results in half of the equations being totally mangled.

A desperate search for a equation-friendly replacement did yield a fully acceptable solution either. The best of the bunch seems to be TtH, but even that doesn't handle my document's fairely pedestrian equations properly, nor does it handle images properly given that I'm using the epstopdf package. Argh!

After hours of pulling my hair out over the weekend I decided to forget about HTML completely and just post a link to a PDF. In the process of doing that I discovered that my Apache was not playing nice with webalizer anymore (I want to easily see who accesses the document, you see), despite the configs supposedly allowing me to view the webalizer output. It used to work... Sigh. No time to hunt down and fix the problem either.

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