Thursday, June 4, 2009

Leon Kass

If the name Leon Kass means anything to you, and you can master your repugnance, then read these articles:

Tough Love for the Humanities, by Serena Golden, 2009, Inside Higher Ed (News).

Kass Backwards, by Scott McLemee, 2009, Inside Higher Ed (Views).

Which amusing prompts various right-leaning crotchety academics to come out complaining how nasty, left-wing, and authoritarian academia is, and also to demonstrate how little they understand when they claim people have not understood Kass's "Wisdom Of Repugnance".

Reason as Our Guide, Elizabeth Blackburn & Janet Rowley, 2004, PLoS Biology 2(4): e116. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0020116.

Clarifying The President's Council's Clarification of the Obama Stem Cell Policy, Insoo Hyun, Bioethics Forum (, 2009.

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